Plot prior or posterior model draws on top of data. Use plot_pars
plot individual parameter estimates.
# S3 method for mcpfit plot( x, facet_by = NULL, lines = 25, geom_data = "point", cp_dens = TRUE, q_fit = FALSE, q_predict = FALSE, rate = TRUE, prior = FALSE, which_y = "ct", arma = TRUE, nsamples = 2000, scale = "response", ... )
x | An |
facet_by | String. Name of a varying group. |
lines | Positive integer or |
geom_data | String. One of "point" (default), "line" (good for time-series), or FALSE (don not plot). |
cp_dens | TRUE/FALSE. Plot posterior densities of the change point(s)?
Currently does not respect |
q_fit | Whether to plot quantiles of the posterior (fitted value).
q_predict | Same as |
rate | Boolean. For binomial models, plot on raw data ( |
prior | TRUE/FALSE. Plot using prior samples? Useful for |
which_y | What to plot on the y-axis. One of
arma | Whether to include autoregressive effects.
nsamples | Integer or |
scale | One of
... | Currently ignored. |
A ggplot2 object.
uses fit$simulate()
on posterior samples. These represent the
(joint) posterior distribution.
# Typical usage. ex_fit is an mcpfit object. plot(ex_fit) # \donttest{ plot(ex_fit, prior = TRUE) # The prior plot(ex_fit, lines = 0, q_fit = TRUE) # 95% HDI without lines plot(ex_fit, q_predict = c(0.1, 0.9)) # 80% prediction interval plot(ex_fit, which_y = "sigma", lines = 100) # The variance parameter on y # Show a panel for each varying effect # plot(fit, facet_by = "my_column") # Customize plots using regular ggplot2 library(ggplot2) plot(ex_fit) + theme_bw(15) + ggtitle("Great plot!") # }