A unique feature of mcp is modeling change points as varying effects (sometimes called “random effects”). This has the advantage that you can let the change point vary by a factor while keeping other parameters common across varying factor levels.

This article in brief:

options(mc.cores = 3)  # Speed up sampling
set.seed(42)  # Make the script deterministic

Specifying varying change points

You specify varying effects using the classical lmer syntax (1|group). Currently (v. 0.1) mcp only support varying intercepts. For example, here we model a varying change point between a plateau and a joined slope:

model = list(
  y ~ 1,  # int_1
  1 + (1|id) ~ 0 + x  # cp_1, cp_1_sd, cp_1_id[i]

You can have multiple varying change points with multiple groupings:

model = list(
  y ~ 1,  # int_1
  1 + (1|id) ~ 0 + x,  # cp_1, cp_1_sd, cp_1_id[i]
  1 + (1|species) ~ 0,  # cp_2, cp_2_sd, cp_2_species[i]
  (1|id) ~ 1  # cp_3 (implicit), cp_3_sd, cp_3_id[i]

Here are some properties of the change point varying effects:

Zero centered: The varying effects are zero-centered around the associated group-level change point. In other words, the sum of all varying effects are exactly zero. This constraint is necessary for the parameters to be identifiable.

Hierarchical: Consider the first change point, cp_1, and it’s associated varying effects, cp_1_id. By default, it is modeled as sampled from (nested within) the group-level change point, cp_1, as well as a spread, cp_1_sd.

Constraints: The varying effects are constrained to lie (1) in the observed range of the x-axis, and/or (2) between the two adjacent change points. That is, all cp_1_id are between min(x) and cp_2. All cp_2_species are between cp_1 and cp_3 and all cp_3_id are between cp_2 and max(x). These constraints are enforced through truncation of the default prior (fit$prior) and you can override them by specifying a manual prior (see vignette(“priors”)).

Simulating varying effects

Let us do a worked example, simulating the varying change point between a plateau and a slope:

model = list(
  y ~ 1,  # int_1
  1 + (1|id) ~ 0 + x  # cp_1, cp_1_sd, cp_1_id[i]

It is quite similar to simulating non-varying data, except that we need to simulate some varying offsets before passing all parameters to empty$simulate:

empty = mcp(model, sample = FALSE)

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
varying = c("Clark", "Louis", "Batman", "Batgirl", "Spiderman", "Jane")
df = data.frame(
  x = runif(length(varying) * 30, 0, 100),  # 30 data points for each
  id = rep(varying, each = 30)  # the group names
df$id_numeric = as.numeric(as.factor(df$id))  # to positive integers
df$y = empty$simulate(df$x,
  # Population-level:
  int_1 = 20, x_2 = 0.5, cp_1 = 50, sigma = 2,

  # Varying: zero-centered and 10 between each level
  cp_1_id = 10 * (df$id_numeric - mean(df$id_numeric)))

##          x    id id_numeric        y
## 1 91.48060 Clark          3 46.02453
## 2 93.70754 Clark          3 43.40142
## 3 28.61395 Clark          3 21.30070
## 4 83.04476 Clark          3 41.80460
## 5 64.17455 Clark          3 27.36570
## 6 51.90959 Clark          3 21.73321

Here, we “translated” the id to an offset on the x-axis by multiplying with 10. We subtracted the mean to make the varying effects zero-centered around cp_1. The result:

ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
  geom_point() +

Summarise and plot varying effects.

Fitting the model is simple:

fit = mcp(model, data = df)

If we just use plot(fit), we would see all points in one plot. We want to facet by id, so:

plot(fit, facet_by = "id")

It seems that mcp did a good job of recovering the change points. There is a lot of information in this data, since the intercept and the slope on each side of the (varying) change point is shared between participants here.

If you use summary(fit) (or fixef(fit)) you will get the posteriors for the population-level effects. To get the random effects, do:

##                 name match sim       mean      lower      upper     Rhat n.eff
## 1   cp_1_id[Batgirl]    OK -25 -24.658731 -26.342381 -23.014957 1.000113  5213
## 2    cp_1_id[Batman]    OK -15 -15.411302 -17.128470 -13.727827 1.000123  5602
## 3     cp_1_id[Clark]    OK  -5  -5.600605  -7.134976  -4.010647 1.000724  6350
## 4      cp_1_id[Jane]    OK   5   5.389034   3.417935   7.320762 1.001900  2140
## 5     cp_1_id[Louis]    OK  15  16.180264  14.221617  18.179095 1.000008  2828
## 6 cp_1_id[Spiderman]    OK  25  24.101341  22.009869  26.263599 1.002232  5850

Inspecting the sim and match columns, we see that they recovered the simulation parameters well.

Good convergence is not always as obvious as in this example. While plot_pars(fit) show population-level parameters only, you can do this to get varying effects only:

plot_pars(fit, pars = "varying", type = "trace", ncol = 3)

Notice the use of the ncol argument to set the number of columns. You will often have many levels on your varying effect, so this is useful to get a good view of all of them. Naturally, you can do this for almost all kinds of plots.

Using pars = "varying" will plot all varying effects. This may be too much if you have multiple varying effects. To select just one, use regular expression in regex_pars. Two very handy operators are “^” (begins with) and “$” (ends with). Just to show that this “faceting” works for almost all of the many plot types, we now do two columns of "dens_overlay:

plot_pars(fit, regex_pars = "^cp_1_id", type = "dens_overlay", ncol = 2)

You can also do posterior predictive checking with facets. I think that for the relatively univariate models supported as of mcp 0.3, this does not add much new information over and above plot(fit, facet_by = "id"), but it’s a standard assessment that many will be acquainted with:

pp_check(fit, facet_by = "id")

Priors for varying effects

You can see the priors of the model like this:

##         [,1]                                           
## cp_1    "dunif(MINX, MAXX)"                            
## cp_1_sd "dnorm(0, 2 * (MAXX - MINX) / N_CP) T(0, )"    
## cp_1_id "dnorm(0, cp_1_sd) T(MINX - cp_1, MAXX - cp_1)"
## int_1   "dt(0, 3 * SDY, 3)"                            
## x_2     "dt(0, SDY / (MAXX - MINX), 3)"                
## sigma_1 "dnorm(0, SDY) T(0, )"

The priors cp_1_sd is the population-level standard deviation of cp_1_id, the latter of which is applied to all levels of id. This is also apparent if you inspect the JAGS code for this model. The truncation of varying effects is quite contrived, but just keeps them between the two adjacent (population-level) change points.

JAGS code

Here is the JAGS code for the model used in this article:

## model {
##   # Priors for population-level effects
##   cp_0 = MINX  # mcp helper value.
##   cp_2 = MAXX  # mcp helper value.
##   cp_1 ~ dunif(MINX, MAXX)
##   cp_1_sd ~ dnorm(0, 1/(2*(MAXX-MINX)/N_CP)^2) T(0, )
##   int_1 ~ dt(0, 1/(3*SDY)^2, 3) 
##   x_2 ~ dt(0, 1/(SDY/(MAXX-MINX))^2, 3) 
##   sigma_1 ~ dnorm(0, 1/(SDY)^2) T(0, )
##   # Priors for varying effects
##   for (id_ in 1:n_unique_id) {
##     cp_1_id_uncentered[id_] ~ dnorm(0, 1/(cp_1_sd)^2) T(MINX - cp_1, MAXX - cp_1)
##   }
##   cp_1_id = cp_1_id_uncentered - mean(cp_1_id_uncentered)  # vectorized zero-centering
##   # Model and likelihood
##   for (i_ in 1:length(x)) {
##     X_1_[i_] = min(x[i_], (cp_1 + cp_1_id[id[i_]]))
##     X_2_[i_] = min(x[i_], cp_2) - (cp_1 + cp_1_id[id[i_]])
##     # Fitted value
##     y_[i_] = 
##       # Segment 1: y ~ 1
##       (x[i_] >= cp_0) * int_1 + 
##       # Segment 2: y ~ 1 + (1 | id) ~ 0 + x
##       (x[i_] >= (cp_1 + cp_1_id[id[i_]])) * x_2 * X_2_[i_] 
##     # Fitted standard deviation
##     sigma_[i_] = max(0, 
##       (x[i_] >= cp_0) * sigma_1 )
##     # Likelihood and log-density for family = gaussian()
##     y[i_] ~ dnorm((y_[i_]), 1 / sigma_[i_]^2)  # SD as precision
##     loglik_[i_] = logdensity.norm(y[i_], (y_[i_]), 1 / sigma_[i_]^2)  # SD as precision
##   }
## }